

LVMH Métiers d'Art is pleased to announce its partnership with Hosoo, a Japanese company established in 1688 in Kyoto, renowned for the excellence of its silk manufacturing craftsmanship. LVMH Métiers d'Art’s commitment to sustain and promote the exceptional expertise and unique traditional know-how echoes with Hosoo’s aim to explore the infinite possibilities of their time-honored craft, through an innovation-driven and material focused approach, including revamping traditional natural dyeing techniques. Hosoo has been pushing the boundaries of Nishijin-ori weaving, one of the most emblematic traditional fabrics with a history of more than 1200 years, recognizable by its three-dimensional structure and premium quality of materials, such as silk or washi paper yarns.  Founded in 2015, LVMH Métiers d’Art represents an unicum, as a group, which nurtures and empowers a variety of businesses, from farming, to tanning, to metal work, to fabric production. Driven by the aim of offering the highest quality materials while applying a responsible approach to sourcing, Métiers d’Art has been created with the intention to preserve and develop the most valuable processes at the key tiers of the luxury chain, strategically investing and partnering with the best-in-class worldwide players of the industry. “We believe in the value of connecting and cross-fertilising the best talents and ‘savoire-faires’ of the world - says Jean Baptiste Voisin, President of LVMH Métiers d’Art and Chief Strategy Officer of LVMH -Partnering today with one of the most ancient and talented silk manufacturer of Japan, Hooso, we reshape what our Fathers succesfully did in the past, aiming at a stronger future.”“Through this new venture with Hosoo, and their exceptional know-how in the art of silk, we open a nourishing dialogue with a unique artisanship of Japan, that would bridge handcrafting with technologies, artistry and creativity, and lead to cross-geographical associations within the community of our métiers. – says Matteo de Rosa, CEO of LVMH Métiers d’Art since 2021 – This collaboration will not only bring innovation to the traditional silk manufacturing techniques but will also introduce new ideas and perspectives, offering growth opportunities and global visibility.By fostering a cross-cultural exchange of knowledge and expertise, we can create magnificent products that appeal to both Eastern and Western markets. This will not only benefit our companies but also contribute to the cultural exchange between our two words.”“We are extremely proud and honored to enter the league of excellences of LVMH Métiers d’Art. Silk it is in the veins of my family and has always been one essential material in building relationship across territories: we are glad to keep contributing to this direction.”  Hosoo President and 12th generation head, Masataka Hosoo.Indeed, when European sericulture has been devasted in the mid-19th century by a microscopic silkworm disease, France sought silkworm eggs from Asia, and the adoption of Japanese silkworms played a pivotal role in revitalizing its industry. In Japan, during the Meiji era, some of the best artisans of Nishijin-ori brocade were sent to Lyon, from where they came back with the Jacquard loom, that strongly contributed to a further sophistication of their craft.